275-720 KVA
275-720 KVA
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The preference for alternative fuels is becoming more and more common and our range of Scania generators can be run with alternative fuels to suit market preferences.
- Available at 50Hz or 60Hz to suit all territories
- Open or canopied to suit any application
- Single lift point and fork pockets as standard
- Fuel optimised and stage IIIA engines available
- Intuitive Deep See Electronics control panel
- 100% bio diesel capability
High load variations are handled effectively, and despite the high power output throughout the engine range, you can count on outstanding fuel economy and excellent emission control.
This range of engines also includes a choice of Stage IIIA engines to offer even greater emissions compliance and efficiency.
All Scania powered generators can be run with 100% bio fuel, proving a real attraction to many customers for STOR and carbon credit applications in the UK.
Scania engines are designed and developed for distinct and powerful handling of step-load situations, yet with short recovery times.
This engine range is highly effective at dealing with load variations but still deliver outstanding fuel economy and excellent emissions control.
High load variations are handled effectively, and despite the high power output throughout the engine range, you can count on outstanding fuel economy and excellent emission control.
Scania’s industrial engines have a well-established reputation for reliability and dependability.
Increased service intervals offer maximum performance and productivity.
The engines are designed for non-stop performance, ideal for a range of industries.
165-220 KVA
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65-140 KVA
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